Which leads to some very enjoyable MEMEME sewing. I sewed it for Dad in exchange for the fact that he taught me to drive 7 years ago, and didn't even make me give him petrol money. (However, he had promised a chocolate fish upon completion. A whole one, just for me.) Then last time he was over while we worked on it he said that actually he'd like to treat me and David to dinner out (as long as it's somewhere good - if we pick McDonald's it's off!) to say thanks. So now of course I need a new dress. I have some great printed satins, and plan to spend the twins' nap time tomorrow searching through all the When-I-Need-A-Nice-Dress patterns I've been collecting.....
Naturally I've been doing other sewing as well. I had my first lesson with the girl I'm going to teach last Saturday, which was fun. I hope she enjoys it too! I wish I'd had someone tell me first thing in the first lesson that patterns don't necessarily fit.
I made another shirt, this time a size two. Funny how grading a pattern is not as much fun as drafting it. I wonder why that is? Anyway, this one is exactly the same pattern as the last one, with the addition of a bias strip to finish the back neckline. It just looks better I think.
I am impressed by the boat cover! The dress is so cute - I agree, Isabella really should own it. :)
ReplyDeleteI am so impressed by the boat cover.. that would be right up there in my "never" list of things to sew.. and more cute clothes for kids. Thank goodness you're about to embark on some swanky youyouyou sewing.
ReplyDeleteI too am very impressed by the boat cover. Wow, a BIG job! Glad it wasn't me doing the sewing. :) Love the dress! The fabric is gorgeous and really suits the style you chose.
ReplyDeleteI LOVE the dress...it is so cute...as for the boat cover...I don't know enough about sewing to comment, but I am guessing it is HARD! I wish I lived in Dunedin so I could hit you up for sewing lessons!
ReplyDeleteThe bubble dress is so precious. How about a deciding factor--is it in Isa's colours? If it turns her grey, than ok. But if it lights her up, ohhh now. The boat cover is such a phenomenon! Enjoy your dinner out and making a special something for it. If life and the kiddywinks happen to take up too much time before the big night, even lipstick with gloss over it makes you feel like you're in something different and special.
ReplyDeleteThat boat cover looks like a labour of love to me. I made a tent fly once. Never again!
ReplyDeleteI adore the bubble. I agree with your daughter, How could you sell it when you have a gorgeous baby to put in it! Of course you could always make another one.
The dress should belong to Isabella. Think of it as a branding / marketing exercise. She'd be a wonderful advertisement!