So I need another epic project obviously, and a dress in Alabama Chanin's 2017 build a wardrobe series caught my eye. I could wait till it's released in July and buy the pattern, or.....
Yeah, waiting so isn't my strong suit!
The pattern is made up of parts of several, all modified further to acheive my aim. The front is from AC's camisole dress, much modified, the back from the wrap top I drafted a couple of years ago, which I think started life as AC's T shirt pattern, lengthened and flared to match the front, and nipped in both vertically and horizontally at the waist.
The toile I freely admit doesn't look amazing. It looks tight. When made in a fabric with no elastane, it should give just enough to be perfect. I'm completely satisfied with it as a pattern, but need to get started on something very soon so I don't have to look at this picture for too much longer!
I am now mulling over fabric colours, stencil ideas, further embelloshment ideas and so on. I think I know where I'm going with this.....
Today’s Pattern Story: Vogue 7895
1 week ago