I started with this shirt, bought unworn, with tags, for $2 from the Kindy fair left overs. (New price $69.99). Nice soft slightly brushed cotton. Not a style or colour that David would wear, which was fine, because I had designs on it for something else.
A few polka dots in two different sizes stencilled on with freezer paper (thanks J for the circle punches!)
And I ended up with this. Because little girls who are turning four tomorrow NEED a new dress. I think it's a rule. (Little boys who are turning four tomorrow don't need a new shirt because they have yet to outgrow or wear out the new one Mum made last year!)
Piped peter pan collar and petal sleeves in a red I chanced upon in a remnant bin which matches my paint really well. The original front button and buttonhole bands are now at the back. I did have to add a little yoke to make up length.
And some inseam pockets inspired directly by this dress on Pinterest.
I decided to photograph the dress today because when we get home from kindy tomorrow it will probably be covered in mud, paint or food. Or all three. Which is as it should be when you are four.
Today’s Pattern Story: Vogue 7895
1 week ago