Funny you should ask if I'm in Wellington Grace - I actually live in Dunedin (way down the east coast of the South Island), but just last week I was in Wellington, catching up with family. The trip included the obligatory visit to Te Papa (Museum of New Zealand), where I met these guys.
Comments regarding the number of trolls in the picture invited! (J? K? M? - go on, you know you want to!) Phone pic courtesy of the sister I went with because I forgot to pack my camera.
That is my Alabama Chanin skirt I'm wearing. It is really really really comfortable and I love it to bits. I think I need about twelve more, but with pockets.
Why do I sew with striped fabrics?!
1 week ago
Ooh, I do like the skirt. I will refrain from comments on trolls - that would be too rude! especially if I ever want you to sew for me again, lol