So today I got stuck into finishing all the things waiting for yesterday's work to be done, and I now have eight garments ready to take in tomorrow before I take the twins to their paediatric outpatient clinic checkup. (They're being followed because they were prem. No drama, thank goodness!)
This one is the third version of my shirt draft. I like the collar a lot better on this one, one piece, with a cut on facing on the shirt fronts. It's a neater, cleaner look and easier and quicker to do. On the next version I'm going to cover the overlocking at the back neck with a strip of bias. It's not rough to touch but it doesn't look as nice as I'd like.
(Clicking on the pictures will make them bigger and clearer)
This is the first version. (The second is cut and waiting to be sewn. It has a stand and fall collar, and I'm not sure I'm going to like it, so I skipped straight to version 3!) Version one has a collar drafted straight from Aldrich's instructions to look like a stand and fall, but cut in one piece. As I sewed it I kept thinking that I've never liked this type of collar. I finished it, but I still don't like it. It's way harder to make a one piece stand and fall sit nicely than a proper two piece or a single piece like my third version. I'm not using this collar again.

This is the finished jean jacket. I love the red keyhole buttonholes and muted finish on the buttons. The buttonholes did give us some problems, notably on the yoke where there was uneven bulk affecting the feed. My friend had the very clever idea to shim the lower side with folded fabric, which we pinned into place. Going slowly and carefully worked a treat.